MTD the Movie

MTD the Movie is about a family of dysfunctionals that we (Gary and Mike Petrin – The BrothersP) are making an animated movie about. It is based on true events from our child hood growing up in Miami with our Mom and Step Dad. I have to tell you that we heard F-bombs so much that we thought the F-Word was part of our vocabulary. We figured out that this was not the case and got in lots of trouble every time we repeated it. Our goal is to have a good time and keep people entertained with our new animation project. Or it just could be that this is just therapy for us (having to have lived through it all and surviving). Either way, we hope you enjoy the Meet the Dysfunctionals (MTD) family.

mtd the movie

We have been working on the process of creating the script and sets for our Meet the Dysfunctionals movie. MTD the Movie is a huge task to undertake and is very time consuming. We are hoping to finish up the script and sets sometime in March and start the recording process. Along the way we will be throwing some small tidbits out on the site to keep you updated on what to expect. 

mtd the movie


The process of writing the script is taking up the most time as we are committed to making sure the content is going to be awesome. We want this movie to be funny, not just a few punchlines here and there, but really funny. The characters are shaping up, and each will have their own unique quality about them. 

Who are the BrothersP?

Want to learn more about the BrothersP? They’re just a couple of brothers that like to have fun. Life has been more than interesting for us.

mtd the movie

When we tell a story from our past the first response we usually get is “there’s no way that happened!” Check out our website. Take a look at our music videos, story videos and posts from our life on the road. Learn more about the BrothersP – Click Here